Student Employment For Your Enjoyment
Many colleges (especially those of a larger size) offer work study programs to its students, which provides them with on-campus jobs to assist them with paying off their student loans and funding their tuition.
There are many different work options, but the most common are the Federal Work Study (FWS), College-Coordinated Jobs, Campus-Payroll programs, and Cooperative Education Programs.
The Campus-Payroll and FWS programs are often doled out to students based on a financial need basis, but most college-coordinated jobs are available irrespective of financial need, so they are open to anyone who would like to apply.
Types of Campus Jobs
College-coordinated positions can range from campus recreation office attendant, media technician, information office assistant, leadership consultant, general office assistant, operations assistant, student media computer technician, library assistant/book shelver, food server (at the cafeteria or on-campus eateries), computer support team-member, and more.
Campus Work Schedule
Usually these jobs allow for flexible hours that work directly with your class schedule, so your work will not interfere with your studies, your attendance, or your grades. To find more information about the student workforce on your campus or the jobs that are currently available, you should contact the Division of Student Affairs or the Financial Aid Office.
These two offices are usually the main resources that deal with assisting students in landing a job on-campus to help work their way through college.
Not only do on-campus jobs work with your classes, but they also serve as a form of motivation to help you keep your grades up. Though they are not based on a financial need basis, most of the college-coordinated jobs still have some requirements in order for you to be an eligible employee: mainly regarding your GPA.
Maintaining a GPA of a 2.5 or higher is usually one of the minimum requirements for campus-employed students: they want you to be able to pay your tuition, but not at the cost of your good grades.
Remember, there’s no point of earning money that just goes to waste because you’re too wrapped up in your job to study or do any homework. Keeping a GPA in good standing not only looks good to potential employers when you graduate, but it also demonstrates to your boss that you are a hard-worker and can handle multi-tasking, which could even result in more hours available for you to work based on your excellent demonstration of responsibility and competence.
Don’t Forget Friends & Networking
An on-campus job is also a good way to meet new people and make new friends. Networking is essential to creating a strong base of reliable contacts who also are employed through the college and can swap shifts with you if you ever need a break. It is through this networking that you can find people you click with that you never would have met if you had not taken an on-campus job. So not only does on-campus employment lead to a paycheck and additional experience in the workforce, but it also can lead to a more developed, well-rounded social life and new friendships that will help you out in the future.
Campus Jobs Are Convenient
On-campus jobs are so much more convenient than those of outside companies surrounding the campus:
- they have hours that will work with your classes and study-time, and
- most of them are within walking distance from your dorm, so you don’t even need a car or to budget out the cost of gas needed for you to drive to work.
It’s a win-win situation: instead of spending your free time sitting around in your dorm waiting for the weekend to come, you can get out there and turn that free time into an activity that is conveniently located and provides a steady cash-flow which you can put towards your tuition or to cover living expenses. The moral of the story is this: use your student resources to land yourself a college job that puts a little extra cash in your pocket, a use for your free time, and a few more friends on your contact list.