Writing Jobs For Students
Do you like to write? Would you be interested in getting paid to write articles for website owners in need of fresh, relevant content? We’re proud to introduce this great free resource for students looking to make money in college.
The Problem: There’s a dilemma for most website owners. They constantly need fresh, unique content to keep their websites current, but (like all business owners) they suffer from very limited time that usually is devoted elsewhere. Running a website is no easy task. Here is just a sample of the things owners have to manage.
- onsite optimization
- link building
- customer support
- search engine optimization
- marketing
When it comes to writing new content, the things listed above typically keep site owners from managing this all important aspect to their web business. Until now…
Students are no strangers to writing, and when you couple the need for students to make money with site owners desperately needing new content, your left with a great student job that is both flexible and enjoyable.
Student Payouts attracts students who are looking for ways to make money in college. Chances are that’s why you’re here. To better help you do that, we’ve created a resource where site owners can list writing jobs they need filled with students who are looking to make money. Writing articles for websites is a fairly straightforward process, and we’ll explain it to you below.
How It Works: Let’s say your website is about How To Train Dogs, and you are looking for someone to write articles related to that topic. You (the site owner) would have specific things you want covered like: potty training, sit/stay/fetch, and obedience training.
Now let’s say a college student comes along who has loads of experience or passion writing about dogs, dog breeds, training, or is just a good writer who can do research for a given topic. They are a perfect candidate to write articles for the time crunched site owner, and it’s a great way to earn money in college.
Dependent upon the needs of the site owner, writing jobs typically pay between $10-$20 PER article. The length varies, but for the most part they fall within the 600-1000 word range. Furthermore, the owner might have specific keywords they want the article to be focused around, so for example, the owner of the dog training site might need an article centered around the keyword dog potty training.
Keyword density is one factor that helps websites rank for different phrases, so in order to help build their ranking in the search engines, they will typically want keyword focused articles that are centered around a certain topic or keyphrase.
If you’re a student and interested in reviewing our updated list of available work, please head over to our available writing jobs.
Ali Chahrour
Apr. 27, 2009
I can write. and I am ready to start.
Apr. 27, 2009
Ali, thanks for the interest. Please follow the instructions on the Available Writing Jobs page for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.
May. 29, 2009
I would love to write articles for money!
Jun. 08, 2009
Me too. Lets start writing.
Jun. 09, 2009
Darryl, very creative article you sent. Nice job. I sent a reply to you in regards to the writing job.
Jun. 09, 2009
I would like to earn money…as much as I can.
Jul. 25, 2009
I’m a very good at writing books and articles. I want to get hired to write books, an magzine, or even articles.
Jul. 26, 2009
I have been writing articles for my school magazine for the last 2 years. I am interested.
Nov. 24, 2009
I would like to write. I can start anytime.
Nov. 30, 2009
I am an experienced writer looking to find a job in writing if anything is available I am up to it!
Helena-May MacDonald
Dec. 01, 2009
I love to write, and am interested in a career in newspaper journalism.
Dec. 18, 2009
I love the English language…I wish to accomplish more with my English writing and so have I started to search for paying jobs,for my talent….Let’s do this !!!
Koushik Mondal
Jan. 08, 2010
I do have excellent command over the English language,..and couple it with my passion for writing,…i want to do this as a means to enhance my writing skills as well as a source of money,…I’m game for it!
Aug. 12, 2010
This is such a blessing. I love to write. I have been a campus journalist since elementary.
mayuri j ravi
Sep. 15, 2010
I would love to write and I am very much interested in print media.
Nov. 23, 2010
I love writing..I would like to write articles for you as it helps with college finances!
siddharth chakraborty
Jan. 25, 2011
wonderful opportunity for students interested in writing.