Student Payouts Blog

Process Rebates Scam
Processing Rebates – have you heard of it? It’s the latest trend in “opportunity” based websites that try to sell the idea or processing rebates as a real way to make money online. Before we explain what rebate processing is (or isn’t) you’ll be intrigued to know the back story of these two websites: & […]
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Writing Jobs For Students
Do you like to write? Would you be interested in getting paid to write articles for website owners in need of fresh, relevant content? We’re proud to introduce this great free resource for students looking to make money in college. The Problem: There’s a dilemma for most website owners. They constantly need fresh, unique content […]
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Student Employment For Your Enjoyment
Many colleges (especially those of a larger size) offer work study programs to its students, which provides them with on-campus jobs to assist them with paying off their student loans and funding their tuition. There are many different work options, but the most common are the Federal Work Study (FWS), College-Coordinated Jobs, Campus-Payroll programs, and […]
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Clean The Junk Outa Your Trunk
Have you noticed a lot of clothes in your closet that never get worn? Maybe even have their tags still attached? How about video games you never play anymore? With the help of self-sell sites like eBay or Craigslist, you can turn those idle items into cash to put towards your education. All it takes […]
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Procrastination Will Cost You
Procrastination is the downfall of many a college student. It is the cause of point deductions left and right and stands as a grade-dropper through and through. Many an “A” worthy paper has been marked with a “C” simply because it was handed in past the due date, and many a test has been failed […]